

這次美國國會眾議院外交委員會主席羅絲蕾婷娜 (Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)  所率領的美國代表團前來參加馬總統的就職典禮。羅絲蕾婷娜主席與父母於1960年逃離古巴卡斯楚的共產統治到美國邁阿密。她堅決反共,一直擔心中國共產黨會來摧毁台灣的民主、自由與繁榮的生活方式。她是美國國會最支持台灣的議員之一,她的貢獻包括: 









前副總統 呂秀蓮






遺憾的是,國民黨的立場與民進黨不同。根據馬總統昨 (20) 日的就職演說,中華民國包括兩個地區:台灣地區與大陸地區。他的說法跟歷史事實與現實狀況完全不符。中華民國1912年於南京成立,當時台灣還處於日本殖民統治時期。當蔣介石撤退來台灣時,中國已被毛澤東建立的中華人民共和國所統治,中華民國也已被中華人民共和國所推翻。如今國際上所說的「中國」,指的皆為中華人民共和國,而非中華民國。以「一個中國」或「一國兩區」來界定台灣與中國的關係,只會誤導世界各國認為馬總統代表台灣接受「台灣是中國的一區」這樣的政治安排。沒有任何人,除了馬總統自己,會認為中國大陸是中華民國的一部份。馬總統是在自欺欺人。請注意,馬總統這樣的言論正在將台灣推向中國,讓台灣成為中華人民共和國領土的一部分。





Gala Banquet in Honor of the U.S. Congressional Delegation


Annette Lu

Former Vice President


Honorable Chair Ros-Lehtinen, Honorable Members of US Congressional Delegation, my fellow DPP colleagues, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

 Thank you for coming to attend President Ma’s inauguration to assure your friendship to Taiwan.

 Democracy has become common interest for both Americans and Taiwanese. While Americans take democracy for granted, Taiwanese paid high price for the installation of our democracy. Many of my colleagues, including myself, have made long term struggle for today’s Taiwan. Not until March 23 of 1996, Taiwanese were allowed to vote for their president. Six months prior to the voting day, PRC manipulated its military threat against Taiwan, including a series of military maneuver and missile launching. Thanks to the then US President Bill Clinton, two marine carriers were dispatched to protect Taiwan, so that the election could be completed democratically. Ever since then, there have been 4 more presidential elections conducted. Although not all the independent sovereign states hold presidential elections, it’s only in an independent sovereignty that citizens can elect their presidents. Therefore in 1999, the DPP passed a Resolution on the future of Taiwan which states: Taiwan is an independent sovereignty. Currently its name is Republic of China, and any change of the status quo shall be subject to a referendum by 2.3 millions of Taiwanese people.

 Regretfully, the Chinese Nationalist Party KMT holds a different position from the DPP’s. According to President Ma’s statement addressed yesterday, the Republic of China includes 2 regions: Taiwan and Mainland. His policy in fact, is both untrue to the history and the reality. Republic of China was founded in 1912 in Nanking while Taiwan was under Japan’s colonialism. And when Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, People’s Republic of China founded by Mao Zedong already overturned ROC. In today’s world, universally China is referred to People’s Republic of China, rather than Republic of China. By asserting one China policy or one country two regions to define the relationship between Taiwan and China, it simply misleads the world to believe that, President Ma on behave of Taiwan has already accepted the arrangement of Taiwan as a region of China. No body, except for Ma himself, would believe that Mainland is a part of ROC. That’s self-cheating. Please notice that such an argument is dragging Taiwan into the territory of China.

 Is it the policy and national interest of USA? It definitely is not the wishes of the Taiwanese people. The anger demonstrated in recent days demonstrated the fear and resentment of the people against Ma’s policy and leadership.

 Please remember that Taiwan is a responsible stakeholder of America and a peace maker in the Pacific Rim. Furthermore, Taiwan is a lighthouse of soft power including human rights, democracy, peace, love and hi-tech. By development these soft power Taiwan sustains and is ready to join and share with the rest of the world. Please ensure and enhance your support. And I would like to reiterate our heartfelt appreciation.

Thank you.




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